
5465 products
  • Tattoo Girl 2019 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Dark fruits such as plum, black cherry & blackberry mingle well in this Cabernet Sauvignon with its complex, yet balanced tannin structure. The ripe dark fruit characters combine to balance the warm spice, vanilla & tobacco for a full-bodied Cabernet everyone is sure to enjoy. ALCOHOL CONTENT 13.80%

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  • Tavernello Vino Rosso D’Italia 750ml

    Tavernello enjoys a rich heritage; combining generations of Italian tradition with modern, innovative winemaking techniques to deliver a range of good quality wines that provide excellent value for money. This red wine pairs well with classic Italian dishes including lasagna, aubergine parmigiana, spaghetti and meatballs.

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  • Taylor Fladgate 10 Years Tawny Porto Port 750ml

     An exceptionally fine old tawny blend, aged for 10 years in oak casks. Elegant and smooth, combining delicate wood notes and rich mellow fruit, it is bottled for immediate drinking. A superb dessert wine, particularly with dishes made with chocolate, coffee or almonds, Taylor's 10 Year Old Tawny may also…

    In stock (14)

  • Taylor Fladgate 20 Years Tawny Porto Port 750ml

    Another magnificent and finely-balanced tawny of outstanding richness and complexity. The additional ten years of aging produces a fine balance between the rich, raisiny fruit and the nutty, honeyed finish - a taste to linger over. This rare port is traditionally enjoyed as a dessert wine or at the end…

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  • Taylor Fladgate 30 Year Tawny Port 750ml

    Blended from Taylor Fladgate's reserves of fine, cask-aged tawnies of several vintages, these wines are on average 30 years old. Rich, silky and elegant, it is a masterpiece of the blender's art.

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  • Taylor Fladgate Late Bottle Vintage Porto 2015 Port 750ml

    Taylor Fladgate were pioneers of the LBV category, developed to satisfy the demand for a high quality ready-to-drink alternative to Vintage Port for everyday consumption. Unlike Vintage Port, which is bottled after only two years in wood and ages in bottle, LBV is bottled after four to six years and…

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  • Taylor Fladgate Vargellas Vinha Velha 2017 Vintage Porto 750ml

    The wines of Quinta de Vargellas traditionally form the ‘backbone’ of the Taylor Fladgate Vintage Port blend. This outstanding estate, recognised as one of the world’s finest vineyards, was acquired by Taylor Fladgate in 1893 although its reputation as a source of the finest ports dates back to the 1820’s.…

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  • Tears Of LLorona No 3 Extra Anejo Tequila 1L

    Requiring a careful combination of patience, care, and love, the process of creating Tears of Llorona starts with 100% pure Weber Agave Azul grown in the volcanic slopes of the Mexican highlands, where agaves grow slowly and naturally to achieve a higher starch content. Germán personally inspects each plant before…

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  • Teeling 14Yr Single Malt Single Cask PX Sherry Cask Irish Whiskey 750ml

    Sine 1782 the Teelings have been creating Irish Whiskey. The Teelings are renowned for their vision in doing things differently and their whiskeys embody this entrepreneurial spirit. Bottled from a hand selected cask, exclusively chosen by our Master Distiller for its exceptional quality, each Teeling Single Cask has its own…

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  • Teeling Blackpitts Peated Single Malt Irish Whiskey 750ml

    Located just behind the new Teeling Whiske Distillery is he historic Blackpitts area of Dublin City.  Steeped in manufacturing tradition and formerly home to an abundance of malting houses it provides the inspiration for the Teeling "Blackpitts" Peated Single Malt Irish Whiskey.  Triple Distilled from malted barley dried over peat…

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  • Teeling Single Grain Irish Whiskey 750ml

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  • Teeling Single Malt Irish Whiskey 750ml

    Teeling Single Malt is the third release in the premium range of Teeling expressions completing their full range of non-aged statement Irish whiskeys. To add a unique depth of character and flavour, Teeling Single Malt consists of aged malt whiskey up to 23 years old that has been matured in…

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  • Teeling Single Malt Single Cask Virgin American Oak Irish Whiskey 750ml

    Our Single Malt Irish Whiskey is crafted using a recipe of 100% malted barley which was Triple Distilled in our Dublin distillery and matured in high quality casks until we say it's ready. Bottled from a hand selected cask exclusively chosen for it's exceptional quality, each Teeling Single Malt Single…

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  • Teeling Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey 750ml

    Crafted using a combination of 50% malted and 50% unmalted barley which has then been triple distilled and aged in ex-Bourbon, ex-Wine and Virgin oak casks. Bottled at 46% with no chill-filtration.   Tasting Notes Finish- Bittersweet dark chocolate with spice and honey sweetness. Nose- Fresh fruits, grapefruit, toasted wood…

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