
5472 products
  • Verdi Mango Sparkletini Sparkling 750ml

    Mango Sparkletini from Verdi has a wonderful taste of mango and pleasant bubbles that pearl on the tongue. It has nice and balanced sweetness with a light and clean taste of grapes.

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  • Verdi Raspberry Sparkletini Sparkling 750ml

    A delightfully sparkling Spumante with a light, refreshing Raspberry taste that’s perfect whenever you feel like enjoying a fun, sophisticated drink. Serve chilled to enjoy its balanced, clean taste.

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  • Verdi Spumante Sparkling 750ml

    Verdi Spumante is a natural, sparkling beverage imported from Italy. Deliciously sparkling and zesty, it has a soft and fruity flavor. Serve chilled to fully enjoy its balanced, clean, delightful taste.

    In stock (46)

  • Verite Le Desir 2012 Red 750ml

    Le Désir—predominantly Cabernet Franc supported by Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot — shows layers of concentrated fruit, exotic spice, opulent aromatics and a plush suede texture.

    In stock (1)

  • Vermillion 2020 Napa Valley Grenache & Syrah 750ml

    In northern California, winemaker Helen Keplinger is a serious powerhouse. After cutting her teeth at a series of standout wineries—including Grace Family, Bryant Family, Carte Blanche and others—she was named Wine & Spirits Magazine’s 2012 Winemaker of the Year and, two years later, graced the cover of Wine Spectator magazine.…

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  • Verpoorten Advocaat Egg Liqueur 1L

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  • Very Old Barton 90 Proof Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Federal regulations in the United Statesrequire that bourbon be made from a mashbill of at least 51% corn before being matured in new oak barrels and bottled at 80 proof or higher. Bourbon that meets these requirements and that has been aged for a minimum of at least two years…

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  • Very Old Barton Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 1L

    Very Old Barton 86 Proof has been carefully distilled and aged for generations in Bardstown, Kentucky. This classic bourbon whiskey has a bold and rich taste that goes down smooth, just as it has for decades. The initial tantalizing sip hints at tropical fruits over the essential vanilla, oak and…

    In stock (70)

  • Very Old Barton Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Very Old Barton 86 Proof has been carefully distilled and aged for generations in Bardstown, Kentucky. This classic bourbon whiskey has a bold and rich taste that goes down smooth, just as it has for decades. The initial tantalizing sip hints at tropical fruits over the essential vanilla, oak and…

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  • Very Olde St Nick 8Yr Estate Reserve Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    The Old St Nick legend has taken on a life of its own with the advent of the internet, many claiming inside information, or knowledge about who first developed the product and why, it’s original pedigree, the source of its bourbons, and the story behind the eclectic style. The Very…

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  • Very Olde St Nick Cask Strength Summer Rye Whiskey 750ml

    Preservation Distillery out of Bardstown, KY has been putting out some incredible barrels of whiskey. Very Olde St Nick (VOSN) was the very first brand to take quirky, odd lot barrels of whatever they could find that was good. It wasn’t long ago that no one really wanted old barrels…

    In stock (2)

  • Very Raspberry Rose 750ml

    Very is the expression of the perfect balance between wine & fruit.  Very Raspberry will seduce you with its subtle and fruity flavors.  It will be perfect as an aperitif or in accompaniment to fresh and light meals

    In stock (10)

  • Vesica Triple Distilled Potato Vodka 750ml

    Vesica... a perfect form in ancient geometry - it’s part math and part mysticism. The basic ingredient – circles. Place them together precisely and a wonder is created. The Flower of Life. It’s on our bottle. That harmony - that connection - that balance... That is the essence of Vesica.…

    In stock (8)

  • Vesica Vodka 1.75L

    Distinctly fruity, featuring a soft raspberry aroma and flavors of red berries, dry cocoa and marshmallow notes that resonate through to the long finish. The crescent-shaped bottle that houses this potato vodka fits well in the hand for pouring. 90 Points Wine Enthusiast

    In stock (22)

  • Veuve Clicquot 2012 La Grande Dame by Yayoi Kusama Brut Champagne 750ml

    A unique limited edition of Veuve Clicquot La Grande Dame 2012 designed by Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama. It is with its iconic symbols, the flower and the polka dots, that Yayoi Kusama adorns La Grande 2012 gift box and bottle. The polka dots, Yayoi Kusama's signature patterns evoke the Champagne…

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