
5528 products
  • Veuve Du Vernay Brut Sparkling 750ml

    Food Pairing Cheese - Creamy & Bloomy, Cheese - Fresh & Soft, Cured Meats, Dessert - Chocolate & Coffee, Dessert - Fruit, Dessert - Vanilla & Caramel, Nuts

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  • Vietti Tre Vigne 2020 Barbera D Asti 750ml

    Ruby purple color with ripe red cherry aromas with hints of mineral and vanilla. A dry, medium bodied red wine with refreshing acidity (making it perfect to pair with food) and soft tannins, the Barbera d’Asti Tre Vigne is well balanced with good integration of oak, good complexity and a…

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  • Vietti Tre Vigne 2021 Barbera D Asti 750ml

    Ruby purple color with ripe red cherry aromas with hints of mineral and vanilla. A dry, medium bodied red wine with refreshing acidity (making it perfect to pair with food) and soft tannins, the Barbera d’Asti Tre Vigne is well balanced with good integration of oak, good complexity and a…

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  • Vigne Rada Alghero Riviera 2020 Cannonau Di Sardegna Red 750ml

    Historical records show that Cannonau has been cultivated in Sardinia for centuries; planted extensively, it is a major element of the island’s viticultural DNA. Some archaeological studies even suggest that Grenache may actually originate from Sardinia, not Spain. This example from Alghero, the ancient Catalan bastion on Sardinia’s northwest coast,…

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  • Villa Jolanda Happy Holidays Vino Spumante Extra Sec 750ml

    A tad lighter and less effervescent than Champagne, Villa Jolanda's Spumante charms everyone who raises a glass with its delicate fizz and gossamer puffs of pink grapefruit and white peach. Served throughout the Veneto as an elegant aperitivo, it's also the traditional base wine for bellinis.

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  • Villa Jolanda Moscato and Peach 750ml

    The Muscat family includes numerous grape varieties that range from white to nearly black and make many deliciously sweet or dry, fruity and mostly unoaked wines around the world.

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  • Villa Jolanda Moscato and Pineapple 750ml

    The Muscat family includes numerous grape varieties that range from white to nearly black and make many deliciously sweet or dry, fruity and mostly unoaked wines around the world.

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  • Villa Jolanda Moscato and Strawberry 750ml

    A vibrant and delicious sparkling wine. Very fun especially for a back deck on a sunny day.

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  • Villa Massa Limoncello Of Sorrento Liqueur 750ml

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  • Villa Matilde Rocca Dei Leoni Falanghina Campania 2018 White 750ml

    Rocca dei Leoni estates of Villa Matilde winery are located in the heart of Sannio Beneventano, between Caudina valley, Telesina valley and the valley of Tammaro River. They cover an area of about 30 hectares on volcanic soils rich in phosphorus and potassium: a unique terroir, sweet and sour at…

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  • Villa Sparina 2023 Gavi Di Gavi DOC 750ml

    Located in Monterotondo, in the heart of the Gavi appellation, Villa Sparina was founded by Mario Moccagatta, who still runs the winery along with his sons Stefano and Massimo. Head enologist Beppe Caviola, one of the foremost winemakers in Piedmont, has brought Gavi to new heights exploring the potential of…

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  • Vina Maitia 2016 Aupa Pipen 750ml

    This wine is a blend of 80% Pais and 20% Carignan from the southern Maule region of Chile and is made in an old style called Pipeño. The wine is light in color with bright notes of crushed raspberry, wild strawberry, and rose petals that lead into underlying hints of…

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  • Vina Skaramuca 2022 Plavac Mali Peljesac Dalmatia 750ml

    Plavac Mali is a traditional varietal on the Dalmatian Coast. One of its parents is Tribidrag, better known to Americans as Zinfandel. Medium-bodied, fruit-forward, and floral, the wine is unoaked, allowing the fruit to really shine

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    Vinarija Coka Zdrepceva KRV Black Stallion Semi-Sweet Red 750ml

    The endless vineyards of fertile Potisje testify to the exciting past of the region, which carefully preserves its rich heritage and unforgettable wine stories, including the one about Ždrepčeva krv, the red jewel of the rich wine treasury of Čoka Winery. Legend has it that famous Count Lederer had created…

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  • Vincent Girardin 2022 Puligny-Montrachet Vieilles Vignes 750ml

    Domaine Vincent Girardin Puligny-Montrachet Les Vieilles Vignes is a French white wine that will leave you feeling delighted with its freshness and crispness. From the famous Burgundian region of France, this wine is primarily made from Chardonnay grapes that are handpicked from old vines, hence the name "Les Vieilles Vignes".…

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