
5393 products
  • Beringer Brothers 2019 Bourbon Barrel Aged Red Blend 750ml

    150 years ago, Jacob and Frederick Beringer were pioneers of a new age, making their way across the frontier to plant their first vines in Napa Valley. Today, we remain true to their bold, pioneering spirit with Beringer Bros. Bourbon Barrel Aged Wines. Our latest varietals are aged for sixty…

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  • Beringer Brothers 2020 Bourbon Barrel Aged Chardonnay 750ml

    TASTING NOTES: This wine showcases a bouquet of ripe apricot, vanilla beam, and buttered toast. Creamy and mouth-coating, the palate evokes apple pie and vanilla ice cream with caramel coming through on the lingering finish.

    In stock (8)

  • Beringer Brothers 2021 Bourbon Barrel Aged Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    150 years ago, Jacob and Frederick Beringer were pioneers of a new age, making their way across the frontier to plant their first vines in Napa Valley. Today, we remain true to their bold, pioneering spirit with Beringer Bros. Bourbon Barrel Aged Wines. Our latest varietals are aged for sixty…

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  • Beringer Luminus Oak Knoll District Napa Valley 2020 Chardonnay 750ml

    Luminus is fresh and lively with aromas of white floral blossom, honeysuckle and ripe citrus fruits. The intriguing aromas unfold into layers of flavor where white apricot, fresh apple, essence of bergamot, and lemon curd notes are interwoven with whipped meringue, spiced Asian pear and delicate almond notes. The judicious…

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  • Berlucchi ’61 Franciacorta Rose Champagne 750ml

    Berlucchi’s excellence is born of curiosity and deep friendship. In 1955, Guido Berlucchi, a successful landowner in the Franciacorta region, approached the young enologist and consultant, Franco Ziliani, to improve his still wines. Then, Ziliani came to Berlucchi with the question: what if we were to make a sparkling wine…

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  • Bernardynski Trojniak Honey Wine 750ml

    This mead has a vinous, relatively sweet taste. Aronia juice and spices added during fermentation give it an interesting taste.

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  • Bernheim Barrel Proof B924 122.6 Proof Wheat Whiskey 750ml

    This extension to the Bernheim brand means you can now enjoy a premium Wheat Whiskey at full barrel proof. Like the original, Bernheim Barrel Proof is produced at the Bernheim Distillery and is the first wheat whiskey to use winter wheat as its primary grain, giving it a soft, sweet…

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  • Bernheim Small Batch 90 Proof American Whiskey 750ml

    At its launch, Bernheim Original Straight Wheat Whiskey was the first truly new variety of American straight wheat whiskey introduced since Prohibition. Heaven Hill Master Distillers saw an opportunity to give today's whiskey connoisseurs a unique taste experience. Bernheim was the only straight whiskey to use winter wheat as the…

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  • Bertani 2011 Amarone Della Valpolicella Classico DOCG 750ml

    Bertani’s impact on Veneto wine making, particularly in Amarone production, is so considerable that ‘Bertani’ and ‘Amarone’ are nearly synonymous. Their 150+ year history is dotted with groundbreaking initiatives and royal accreditation. While respectful of their past, Bertani strives towards innovation, using progressive techniques and equipment allied with extensive experience…

    In stock (6)

  • Bertrand Senecourt Beau Joie Brut Special Cuvee Champagne 750ml

    Combining supreme quality with impeccable, cutting-edge design, BEAU is made from the highest quality wine – 60% Pinot Noir and 40% Chardonnay – naturally derived from the finest grapes of Epernay, France. A unique, zero-dosage champagne with none of the added sugars common in other champagnes, BEAU’s true, uninhibited flavors…

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  • Bex Nahe Qualitatswein 2021 Riesling 750ml

    Bright and youthful color; classical notes of mandarin orange; green apples, and just whiff of honeysuckle; refreshing key lime and melon fruit on the palate; nicly balanced and concentrated finish.

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  • Beylerbeyi Gobek Raki 700ml

    Beylerbeyi Göbek Raki Is Triple Distilled Using Aniseeds From Kalinkoz And Virgin Suma Only. This Extra Refined Method Of Production Creates A Uniquely Smooth Quality And Delicate Flavour.

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  • Bhakta 27-07 Brandy 750ml

    Bhakta Brandy 27-07 750ml - 27-07 tempts the palate with a bold flavor profile rooted in Calvados and kissed by Armagnac. Autumnal aromas of Calvados collide with the floral richness of Armagnac. A smoky finish rounds out the flavor profile of this rule-bending dram. 27 years at its oldest, and…

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  • Bianchi California Signature Selection 2018 Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Classic with grassy scents on the nose, this also shows lime peel, lemongrass, ripe honeydew and slight passionfruit aromas. Ripe Anjou pear powers the tip of the palate, with sharper grass elements and a sour citrus flavor emerging later.

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  • Bib and Tucker 6Yr Double Char Small Batch Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Inspired by the turn of the century, when food was cooked on the open flame, this new bourbon is aged twice to create savory smoky notes and an exceptionally smooth finish. Bib & Tucker Double Char is first aged for six years in the rolling hills of Tennessee in new…

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