
953 products
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  • Kentucky Vintage Small Batch Kentucky Bourbon American Whiskey 750ml

    "Amber, with a golden cast. Medium-bodied. Reminiscent of clove, citrus, smoke, dried herbs. Buttery, smooth texture. Attractive in its viscosity and warmth of the palate. Nicely balanced by whiffs of campfire scents, soft fruit notes, and a light streak of fragrance.

    In stock (5)

  • Kessler American Blended Whiskey 1.75L

    A golden taste that is as smooth as silk. Kessler has carried this trademarked slogan on its label since prohibition, which truly describes the smooth, silky texture of this fine whiskey.

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  • Kikori Japanese Blended Whiskey 750ml

    Distilled in Japan, and made from 100% locally gornw rice, Kikori whiskey is a smootha dn welcome newcomer to the whiskey category. Barrel aged for a minimum of three years in American oak, French Limousin oak and sherry casks, Kikori is golden and pure in color witha floral and fragrant…

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  • Kilchoman Machir Bay Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Machir Bay, our signature peated single malt, is a vatting of Kilchoman matured in both bourbon and sherry casks. Named after Islay’s most spectacular beach, the high proportion of bourbon barrels create a distinct balance of classic Islay character and fresh floral complexity.

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  • King of Kentucky 16Yr Single Barrel Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 2024 Release 750ml

    King of Kentucky, an ultra-premium Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey, is returning this year with the release of its seventh edition. Hitting shelves early October, the limited-edition expression will mark the seventh anniversary for the brand. The 2024 expression is a 16-year-old Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey, featuring a premium embossed label…

    In stock (1)

  • Knappogue 12yr Single Malt Irish Whiskey 750ml

    Knappogue Castle 12 year old, our signature expression, is an exceptional single malt made exclusively from malted barley. Triple distilled one batch at a time in traditional, onion-shaped copper pot stills, the whiskey is then aged in bourbon oak casks for twelve years. The delicate distillation process, along with the…

    In stock (6)

  • Knappogue Castle 14Yr Single Malt Irish Whiskey 750ml

    This is both richer and more complex than the standard twelve year old Knappogue Castle. Named 'Twin Wood' because both Bourbon and Sherry cask types have been used for the maturation. It seems that the sherry casks have added to the body and depth and also brought some spice and…

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  • Knappogue Castle 16Yr Twin Wood Single Malt Irish Whiskey 750ml

    The 16 year old Knappogue Castle is a fantastic single malt that has been made using unpeated barley and was triple distilled at Bushmills distillery. A first period of maturation was done in ex-Bourbon barrels before and final marrying and finishing period in Oloroso Sherry casks. A limited release, this…

    In stock (5)

  • Knob Creek 100 Proof Kentucky Straight Bourbon American Whiskey 375ml

    An unflinching balance of deep, old-style flavor with a natural oak sweetness. Tasting Notes: Color: Cooper to medium Amber. Taste: Rich, sweet, woody full body,almost fruity. Aroma: Toasted nuts, grain oaks. Finish: Long, rich and glowing.

    In stock (11)

  • Knob Creek 100 Proof Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Knob Creek 9 Year Old Bourbon Whiskey stands out for its rich, full-bodied flavor profile and extended aging process, which imparts deep oak and vanilla notes. Interestingly, this bourbon was created by Jim Beam's grandson, Booker Noe, as part of the Small Batch Bourbon Collection in 1992, with the aim…

    In stock (12)

  • Knob Creek 100 Proof Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey 1.75L

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* Knob Creek Straight Rye Whiskey is made with a blend of the finest quality rye to create an extraordinarily smooth yet spicy finish. Knob Creek Rye is still patiently aged in the deepest charred barrels and bottled at a full 100…

    In stock (10)

  • Knob Creek 100 Proof Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey 750ml

    Knob Creek Rye is patiently aged for seven years in deeply charred barrels and bottled at 100 proof to give it the signature Knob Creek full flavor. At seven years, Knob Creek Rye achieves its optimal flavor profile resulting in the perfect balance between sweet barrel notes and spicy rye…

    In stock (19)

  • New

    Knob Creek 10yr Rye 750ml

    Experience the bold and robust flavors of Knob Creek 10 Year Rye Whiskey, a distinguished spirit that showcases the rich heritage and craftsmanship of Knob Creek. Bottled at 100 proof, this small batch rye whiskey is aged for 10 years, delivering a deep and complex flavor profile that rye enthusiasts will…

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  • New

    Knob Creek 18yr 750ml

    This limited-edition release celebrates the time, effort, and commitment to our never-ending pursuit of craft. Aged twice as long as our flagship bourbon, Knob Creek 18-Year-Old owes its rich copper color and deep notes of caramelized oak to its extensive aging in our Kentucky rack houses. Proof 100.

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  • Knob Creek 90 Proof Smoked Maple Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Smoked maple bacon, maple syrup, smoked ham, those are all items we enjoy hitting our tongue, but have you ever imagined drinking a glass of bourbon imbued with those flavors? Knob Creek Smoked Maple Bourbon is about to hit the shelves in one of Knob Creek’s infamous small batch editions,…

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