
99 products
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  • McConnell’s 5Yr Irish Whisky 750ml

    A five-year-old Irish whiskey from McConnell's, inspired by the historical McConnells Blend founded in Belfast in 1776. Matured in American oak casks this spicy, floral whiskey offers notes of peppery oak, honeysuckle, vanilla, milk chocolate, cinnamon and nutmeg throughout the palate.

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  • McConnell’s 5Yr Sherry Cask Finish Irish Whisky 750ml

    5 year old Blended Irish Whisky, finished 9 months in Oloroso Sherry Casks, creating a mature smooth finish. This is a new item and will begin shipping in May 2022 with limited supply.

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  • McCormick Irish Cream Liqueur 1.75L

    McCormick's Irish Cream Liqueur is a delightful and indulgent liqueur that captures the essence of Ireland's rich dairy tradition and the warmth of its whiskey heritage. This creamy liqueur boasts a luscious wet sand color that hints at the velvety texture and sumptuous flavors it holds within. Crafted with precision…

    In stock (3)

  • Midleton Very Rare 2023 Vintage Release Irish Whiskey 700ml

    Step into the realm of extraordinary whiskey with the 2023 Midleton Very Rare Vintage, a testament to the artistry and precision of Irish whiskey making. This exceptional release is a gem in the Midleton Distillery's collection, a true embodiment of their dedication to quality, tradition, and innovation. As one of…

    In stock (8)

  • Midleton Very Rare Barry Crockett Legacy Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey 700ml

    Master winner at the Irish Whiskey Masters in both 2021 and 2022! This rebranded Midleton Barry Crockett Legacy was created to commemorate the career of the former master distiller who retired in 2013 after 47 years at the distillery. Barry himself helped to formulate this single pot still and it…

    In stock (3)

  • New

    Natterjack Cask Strength 2023 Release Irish Whiskey 700ml

    Pure, Natural and Uncut Awarded Irish Whiskey of The Year 2024- Jim Murray's Whiskey Bible Natterjack Irish Whiskey is a unique blend, triple distilled in true Irish spirit and carefully crafted using Irish and American techniques. This exceptional Irish Whiskey is triple distilled with blend of 20% malted barley and…

    In stock (4)

  • Natterjack Irish Whiskey 750ml

    Golden vibrant liquid with an upfront bouquet of vanilla, apple, cinnamon and citrus fruits. A smooth, almost creamy palate of orange, orange zest, spice, cedar and notes of tobacco. The finish reminds us of a long Irish summer evening.

    In stock (8)

  • New

    Natterjack The Mistake Irish Whiskey 700ml

    Our limited-release heavily oaked Irish whiskey was simply a happy accident that sparked innovation. We mistakenly left our whiskey in 46 of our virgin American oak casks for an additional year. The result is truly something special! The Mistake is triple distilled, blended in-barrel, and aged in former bourbon barrels…

    In stock (4)

  • O’Shea’s 5Yr Irish Whiskey 700ml

    Experience the rich and smooth flavor of O’Shea’s Irish Whiskey, crafted using traditional techniques passed down through generations. Our whiskey has been distilled three times for unparalleled smoothness and purity. Each batch is carefully crafted and aged in American Oak casks for a minimum of 5 years. Each batch of…

    In stock (4)

  • Paddys Irish Whiskey 1.75L

    Taste a touch of vanilla? How about a light fruitiness? That’s Paddy’s. A local favorite in Cork since 1779, and named Paddy’s in honor of salesman Paddy Flaherty who roamed pub-to-pub about a century ago spreading good cheer and free tipples along the way.

    In stock (60)

  • Paddys Irish Whisky 1L

    Fruity bouquet with hints of honey on the nose. Sweet entry with grain notes dominating the palate, with subtle hints of vanilla and butterscotch. Finish is dry and peppery.

    In stock (16)

  • Powers Irish Whisky 750ml

    In stock (6)

  • Powers Three Swallow Single Pot Still Irish Whisky 750ml

    This Single Pot Still is inspired by the "Three Swallow" tradition of coachmen bringing along small flasks of POWERS whiskey on long rides. Just enough to give each man a good swallow, but not enough to interfere with the job.

    In stock (4)

  • Proper No Twelve Irish Apple Irish Whiskey 750ml

    You already know what Proper No. Twelve Irish Whiskey tastes like. Now imagine award-winning Proper No. Twelve Irish Whiskey with notes of crisp and fresh Irish Apple. Why are you still standing around? Try it neat, over ice, in a cocktail or a straight shot.

    In stock (286)

  • Proper No Twelve Irish Whiskey 1.75L

    Proper No. Twelve™ Irish Whiskey is a triple-distilled blend of fine grain and single malt that is bourbon-barrel-aged for 4 years. The spirit is unbelievably smooth with notes of vanilla, honey and toasted wood. It is friendly, straightforward and can be enjoyed on ice or, in a cocktail like a…

    In stock (26)
