
62 products
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  • Ole Smoky Pickles Moonshine American Whiskey 750ml

    There' s not a Bloody Mary in the world that can’t be improved by a little bit of dill pickle. That’s why we created The Real Dill Shine, a perfect dill pickle, pickled in our moonshine. Firm, crunchy and dill-icious, you can munch on it and then have a dill…

    In stock (10)

  • Ole Smoky Pineapples with Pina Colada Moonshine American Whiskey 750ml

    Get your own taste of the tropics when you bite into these sweet pineapples steeped in Ole Smoky® Pina Colada Moonshine. Juicy, sweet and hints of coconut make it easy to imagine palm trees swaying in the breeze.

    In stock (14)

  • Ole Smoky Root Beer Whiskey 750ml

    Old fashioned root beer gets the royal Tennessee treatment. That’s right, we took the flavors of root beer and blended it with our whiskey to create this unforgettably delicious concoction. We’re bringing root beer back.

    In stock (12)

  • Ole Smoky Salty Caramel Whiskey 1.75L

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* Might be the best thing to happen to whiskey since, well, whiskey. Savor every sip of this blend of rich, sweet 60 proof whiskey that tastes like liquid caramel with a hint of salt at the end of it. Whiskey never…

    In stock (10)

  • Ole Smoky Some Beach Tennessee Moonshine Whiskey 750ml

    You can almost hear the palm trees swaying in the breeze when you take a drink of our Some Beach Moonshine. We took tropical coconut and blended it with cream to create this dreamy concoction.

    In stock (10)

  • Ole Smoky Sour Watermelon Moonshine 750ml

    Tart doesn't even begin to cover it. This moonshine starts with a sour, lip-smacking punch that leaves you with a sweet kiss of watermelon on the end. 

    In stock (10)

  • Ole Smoky White Chocolate Strawberry Cream Moonshine American Whiskey 750ml

    We took the mellow, creamy flavors of white chocolate and fresh strawberries and mixed it in with our moonshine to create a sipper that'll keep you coming back.  C'Mon, Live a little!!

    In stock (15)

  • Ole Smoky White Lightnin 100 Proof Moonshine American Whiskey

    A bolt like no other. Ole Smoky® White Lightnin’ Moonshine is just the charge you need to start the night off right. Made with 100% neutral grains intended to be highly mixable, White Lightnin’ can spark up every cocktail. It adds a more striking shot than those ordinary options like…

    In stock (16)

  • Sugarlands Eggo Brunch in a Jar Waffles and Syrup Cream Liqueur 750ml

    We’re raising the bar for brunch with this creamy partnership between Eggo™ & Appalachian Sippin’ Cream. With the delicious flavor of toasty Eggo® waffles drizzled in syrup, Brunch in a Jar is the perfect addition to any brunch. Sips up!

    In stock (9)

  • Sugarlands Folds of Honor Sour Blue Raspberry Moonshine 750ml

    Our Sour Blue Raspberry Moonshine packs a sweet and slightly tart flavor with a sour kick that’s sure to please the palate. Most importantly, every sip of this moonshine makes an impact. A portion of the sales of this product supports Folds of Honor, which provides life-changing scholarships to the…

    In stock (11)

  • Sugarlands Mint Chocolate Chip Cream Liqueur 750ml

    Sugarlands Mint Chocolate Chip Sippin' Cream is a delectable rum-based cream liqueur that seamlessly blends the refreshing taste of cool mint with the rich, decadent flavors of chocolate. This 40-proof spirit from the heart of Tennessee offers a subtle boozy kick, making it a delightful treat for those who love…

    In stock (11)

  • Sugarlands Orange Squeeze Moonshine 750ml

    Step into Sugarlands’ version of an old-fashioned soda for a zesty sip down memory lane. This is a place where nostalgia mingles with mischief to create Orange Squeeze Moonshine. Classic orange soda flavors mix with a kick of Appalachian attitude in this citrusy concoction that adds a pop of flavor…

    In stock (9)

  • Sugarlands Shine Birthday Cake Sippin Cream 750ml

    Indulge in the flavors of fun-filled memories with our new Birthday Cake Sippin’ Cream. Made to celebrate Sugarlands’ 10th birthday, this 40-proof rum-based cream liqueur captures the nostalgia of blowing out the candles with notes of rich cake batter and sweet frosting in every sip. It’s like a slice of…

    In stock (11)

  • Sugarlands Shine Nascar 75th Anniversary Pina Colada Moonshine 750ml

    Before speed, there was shine. The story of NASCAR can’t be told without moonshine. From bootleggers outrunning the law to drag racing down country roads, moonshine and NASCAR are part of classic American folklore. Sugarlands Distilling Co. celebrates NASCAR’s 75th Anniversary with this limited-edition commemorative release. The tropical piña colada…

    In stock (3)

  • The Clover Barrel Strength Private Barrel Select Tennessee Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    UniversalFWS.com Private Barrel Select Our very own barrel selection from The Clover Distillery! This barrel strength bourbon is full-bodied and has well-balanced flavor. It presents a subtle aroma of vanilla and oak. A taste of deep caramel, vanilla and a hint of citrus orange that delivers a soft lingering finish…

    In stock (25)
