
62 products
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  • Uncle Nearest 1884 Small Batch Whiskey 750ml

    Every batch of Uncle Nearest 1884 Small Batch Whiskey is hand-selected by our founders and curated by fifth-generation Master Blender, Victoria Eady Butler, whose signature is on each bottle. Aged a minimum of 4 years, and bottled at 93-proof, this smooth sipping whiskey is perfect on its own or in…

    In stock (9)

  • Uncle Nearest Straight Rye Whiskey 750ml

    This was a lofty experiment that worked. The results of this 100-percent rye mash bill, matured in used Uncle Nearest barrels before being bottled at 100-proof, keeps with our tradition of creating some of the most awarded whiskeys in the world. This is rye whiskey, elevated, hitting every mark with…

    In stock (7)
