
827 products
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  • Ultraviolet 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Soft, round, velvety tannins. aromas of violets, blackberry, blueberry. notes of pie spice, bramble. pairs wonderfully with anything salty or high in fat. Delicious alongside any of the following dishes: pasta bolognese, sausage pizza, spare ribs (or any red meat), cheese plate, dark chocolate cake. This wine is 95% cabernet…

    In stock (17)

  • Uppercut Napa Valley 2019 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Perfect with a sizzling steak, Uppercut Cabernet Sauvignon boasts aromas of dark fruit, espresso, violet and spice. Smooth blackberry, black cherry and cocoa flavors expand across the palate, revealing nuances of caramel and toffee from new oak barrels. This broad-shouldered Cabernet Sauvignon draws you in with its expressive nose. The…

    In stock (26)

  • Verite Le Desir 2012 Red 750ml

    Le Désir—predominantly Cabernet Franc supported by Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot — shows layers of concentrated fruit, exotic spice, opulent aromatics and a plush suede texture.

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  • Vermillion 2020 Napa Valley Grenache & Syrah 750ml

    In northern California, winemaker Helen Keplinger is a serious powerhouse. After cutting her teeth at a series of standout wineries—including Grace Family, Bryant Family, Carte Blanche and others—she was named Wine & Spirits Magazine’s 2012 Winemaker of the Year and, two years later, graced the cover of Wine Spectator magazine.…

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  • Von Strasser Sori Bricco Vineyard Diamond Mountain Napa Valley 2012 Red 750ml

    Sori Bricco is a beautifully constructed wine from the wineries highest elevation vineyard, the title of which means “Sunny Hillside”. The highest elevation vineyard, this complex wine opens with black pepper, eucalyptus and black currant intertwined with earthy notes of mushroom and cedar. The palate shows a touch of cocoa,…

    In stock (5)

  • Wente Morning Fog 2021 Chardonnay 750ml

    Each summer morning, fog billows inland through the Golden Gate, pushed by Pacific wind streams into the bowl of the San Francisco Bay. Here, it forms deep fog banks that rest on the East Bay Hills. In just one place, the Livermore Valley, with its unique East-West orientation, the fog…

    In stock (20)

  • Wente Southern Hills 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Our 2020 Southern Hills Cabernet Sauvignon hits all the right varietal marks from start to finish. Clean and concise Cabernet fruit leads every step of the way, showcasing blackberry, cassis, and black cherry which is supported by a delightful layering of oak inspired baking spices like nutmeg and gingerbread.

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  • William Hill 2020 North Coast Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    The approachable William Hill Estate North Coast Cabernet Sauvignon offers a smooth, rich and fruit-forward palate. Crafted primarily from Lake and Sonoma County Cabernet Sauvignon, this generously structured wine opens with abundant dark fruit notes of boysenberry and black cherry. This expressive wine also reveals hints of plum and cherry…

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  • William Hill 2021 North Coast Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Made from a blend of grapes grown predominantly in Sonoma County and Lake County, this well-balanced Cabernet Sauvignon has a rich palate of dark fruit flavors, with subtle hints of caramel and cocoa.

    In stock (8)

  • William Hill Central Coast 2020 Merlot 750ml

    Our William Hill Estate Central Coast Merlot is reminiscent of a bold Cabernet Sauvignon, with its rich flavors and substantial mouthfeel. Aromas of blackberry, black cherry and toasty oak set the stage for a palate of decadent black cherry, pepper and chocolate. -From the Winemaker

    In stock (3)

  • William Hill Central Coast 2021 Merlot 750ml

    Our William Hill Estate Central Coast Merlot is reminiscent of a bold Cabernet Sauvignon, with its rich flavors and substantial mouthfeel. Aromas of blackberry, black cherry and toasty oak set the stage for a palate of decadent black cherry, pepper and chocolate. -From the Winemaker

    In stock (10)

  • William Hill North Coast 2021 Chardonnay 750ml

    Winemaker Notes The grapes for this North Coast Chardonnay were gently whole-cluster pressed. A portion of this wine was fermented in stainless steel tanks at a cool temperature of 62°F, with the balance fermented in barrels at ambient cellar temperature. This wine underwent full malolactic fermentation and sur lie aging…

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  • Z Alexander Brown Uncaged 2017 Chardonnay 750ml

    Honey-colored in the glass, Z. Alexander Brown Chardonnay exudes bright aromas of White peach, floral orange blossom with hints of honey and baking spice. A rich, velvety mouthfeel is supported by core flavors of juicy stone fruit, vanilla and toasted oak. These complex, layered flavors extend into the finish. This…

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  • Z Alexander Brown Uncaged 2020 Pinot Noir 750ml

    This lush and layered Pinot Noir is overflowing with intense aromas of black cherry, vanilla and toasty oak. Smooth with supple tannins, robust flavors of fresh raspberry jam and strawberry are complemented by silky underpinnings of rich mocha and caramel. Jammy and voluminous, rich juicy ripe fruit lingers on through…

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  • Z Alexander Brown Uncaged 2020 Proprietary Red Blend 750ml

    Dark garnet in the glass, commanding aromas of blueberry, caramel and toasted oak preview a bold, mouth-filling palate stacked with concentrated layers of ripe dark fruit, black cherry and milk chocolate. Robust and full-bodied with excellent weight in the mid-palate, this complex wine leaves a lasting impression with a smooth,…

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