
99 products
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  • Slane Triple Casked Irish Whiskey 750ml

    A Smooth Spirit. Slane Irish Whiskey is a smooth spirit of natural character with untamed notes of oak and spice from a signature triple casked blend. From the family Conyngham of Slane Castle, the barrel-raising art of Brown-Forman, and the proud people of Slane Village, this is a whiskey for…

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  • Teeling 14Yr Single Malt Single Cask PX Sherry Cask Irish Whiskey 750ml

    Sine 1782 the Teelings have been creating Irish Whiskey. The Teelings are renowned for their vision in doing things differently and their whiskeys embody this entrepreneurial spirit. Bottled from a hand selected cask, exclusively chosen by our Master Distiller for its exceptional quality, each Teeling Single Cask has its own…

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  • Teeling Blackpitts Peated Single Malt Irish Whiskey 750ml

    Located just behind the new Teeling Whiske Distillery is he historic Blackpitts area of Dublin City.  Steeped in manufacturing tradition and formerly home to an abundance of malting houses it provides the inspiration for the Teeling "Blackpitts" Peated Single Malt Irish Whiskey.  Triple Distilled from malted barley dried over peat…

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  • Teeling Single Grain Irish Whiskey 750ml

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  • Teeling Single Malt Irish Whiskey 750ml

    Teeling Single Malt is the third release in the premium range of Teeling expressions completing their full range of non-aged statement Irish whiskeys. To add a unique depth of character and flavour, Teeling Single Malt consists of aged malt whiskey up to 23 years old that has been matured in…

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  • Teeling Single Malt Single Cask Virgin American Oak Irish Whiskey 750ml

    Our Single Malt Irish Whiskey is crafted using a recipe of 100% malted barley which was Triple Distilled in our Dublin distillery and matured in high quality casks until we say it's ready. Bottled from a hand selected cask exclusively chosen for it's exceptional quality, each Teeling Single Malt Single…

    In stock (1)

  • Teeling Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey 750ml

    Crafted using a combination of 50% malted and 50% unmalted barley which has then been triple distilled and aged in ex-Bourbon, ex-Wine and Virgin oak casks. Bottled at 46% with no chill-filtration.   Tasting Notes Finish- Bittersweet dark chocolate with spice and honey sweetness. Nose- Fresh fruits, grapefruit, toasted wood…

    In stock (4)

  • Teeling Small Batch Irish Whisky 750ml

    Produced by the Teeling Whiskey Company, this is a delicious small-batch blend with a very high malt content. Interestingly enough, it's also been matured in rum casks for added spice. Nose: Cut grass and orange blossom. Allspice, hints of vanilla, apple pie and blackberries. Palate: Spiced, rich palate with rose…

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  • The Dead Rabbit Irish Whiskey 750ml

    Five year old blend featuring Irish malt and grain whiskey, matured in bourbon casks before being rested in virgin American oak. When tasting, first bourbon comes out swinging, followed by vanilla - sweet and light. Then the rest becomes present in spice, fruit, and malt.

    In stock (6)

  • The Sexton Single Malt Irish Whiskey 750ml

    The Sexton is a new and unexpected modern-day Irish Single Malt: rich in hue, approachable in taste and memorable in character. Matured in former Oloroso Sherry casks to achieve a perfect balance between rich, dried fruits and memorable toasted oak notes. The Sexton offers a smooth finish to leave you…

    In stock (7)

  • The Waterford Cuvee Koffi Irish Single Malt Whisky 750ml

    Ireland’s verdant landscape is home to the world’s finest barley. Here we explore the frontiers of flavour – nature’s own expression –  as Single Farm Origins. Each, from the ground up – is a singular spirit. Each is the produce of a unique terroir. Our state-of-the-art distillery marries with ancient-know:…

    In stock (7)

  • The Whistler Double Oaked Whiskey 750ml

    Tasting Notes Aroma: Rich caramel and vanilla tones with a slight spice from the oak. Body: Round with creamy tones. Finish: Dry with hints of sherry and spices from the Oloroso barrel cask.

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  • Tullamore Dew 14Yr Single Malt Irish Whiskey 750ml

    Our triple-distilled single malt that has been patiently aged for up to 14 years in ex-Bourbon barrels and then finished in 4 different cask types being old ex- Oloroso Sherry Butts, ex-Port Pipes and ex-Madeira Drums for a minimum of 6 months for a perfect balance and then bottled at…

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  • Tullamore Dew 18Yr Single Malt Irish Whiskey 750ml

    Award winning Tullamore D.E.W. 18 Year Old Single Malt Aged brings smooth and mellow vanilla oak notes. Tullamore D.E.W. 18 Year Old Single Malt is finished in 4 different cask types. After 18 patient years in ex-Bourbon barrels, old ex- Oloroso Sherry Butts, ex-Port Pipes and ex-Madeira Drums work their…

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  • Tullamore Dew Honey Irish Whiskey 750ml

    Tullamore D.E.W. Honey is a delicious combination of smooth Tullamore D.E.W. Irish Whiskey and Natural Bohemian Honey. This rich honey flavoured whiskey has all the depth and character of Tullamore D.E.W. Original with an added touch of warmth and sweetness. Gentle spices interlaced with natural sweet notes. Silky texture honey…

    In stock (12)
