
5556 products
  • Casa Di Monte 2021 Chianti 750ml

    Casa di Monte is a family owned and operated estate. It is composed of a total of 80 hectares of land in the ownership of which 35 hectares, 5 vineyards for the production of red and white wines and IGT wines Chianti, Chianti and Chianti Classico DOCG Montespertoli and 7…

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  • Casa Di Monte 2022 Chianti 750ml

    Casa di Monte is a family owned and operated estate. It is composed of a total of 80 hectares of land in the ownership of which 35 hectares, 5 vineyards for the production of red and white wines and IGT wines Chianti, Chianti and Chianti Classico DOCG Montespertoli and 7…

    In stock (27)

  • Casa Dragones Añejo Barrel Blend Tequila 750ml

    Casa Dragones Barrel Blend, 100% Blue Agave Añejo sipping tequila, achieves its distinctive character from being matured in two different wood barrels, new French Oak and new American Oak, each selected for their individual flavor and characteristics. At the end of the aging process, both barrel styles are blended together…

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  • Casa Dragones Blanco Tequila 750ml

    Named the “Best Blanco Tequila” by Epicurious, Casa Dragones Blanco is a small batch, 100% Pure Blue Agave silver tequila, crafted to deliver the true essence of agave through an innovative process that focuses on purity, for a crisp, smooth taste that is perfect to enjoy on the rocks or…

    In stock (6)

  • Casa Dragones Joven Tequila 750ml

    Casa Dragones is an independent, small batch distiller dedicated to creating an incredibly smooth sipping tequila from high quality blue agave. The harvest for this exceptional spirit is cultivated on an estate 1200 meters above sea level in Jalisco, Mexico, where the combination of soil, climate and altitude provide the…

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  • Casa Ferreirinha Vinha Grande 2019 Vinho Tinto Douro 750ml

    2018 Casa Ferreirinha, Vinha Grande Douro Tinto Vegan & Vegetraian Vinha Grande is the second oldest wine of the Douro Valley (after Barca Velha) and its heritage is noticeable in every sip. An elegant, complex wine with the structure of a fine Bordeaux exhibiting flavours of blackcurrant, leather and subtle…

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  • Casa Komos Anejo Cristalino Tequila 750ml

    Inspired by the Mediterranean Meet Tequila Komos, an ‘Ultra Luxury’ Añejo Cristalino Aged in Wine Barrels Here’s where things get interesting. The Blanco is aged for 12 months in French oak white wine barrels rather than whiskey barrels like other Añejos. This unconventional step, which draws on Betts’s fruitful winemaking…

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  • Casa Komos Extra Anejo Tequila 750ml

    Aged for three years in a combination of French ex-white wine barrels and ex-bourbon barrels, Komos Extra Anejo is rich, luxurious, and ultra smooth. Notes of vanilla, chocolate, and pecans seamlessly blend on the long, smooth finish. Drink it neat, on the rocks, or even in your most special classic…

    In stock (3)

  • Casa Komos Reposado Rosa Tequila 750ml

    Using a blanco tequila base, Tequila Komos Reposado Rosa ages in former red wine French oak barrels. Once the tequila has gone through a purification process, mellowed, softened and picked up flavors and colors from the red wine barrels - giving it a pink hue - it is stored and…

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  • Casa Maestri Blanco Tequila 750ml

    This brand was born by a dream desired by a couple. They were born in different countries (in the U.S. and in Mexico), but both grew up in the atmosphere of wines and spirits with their families. Their lives were completely parallel until one day 27 years ago that they…

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  • Casal Garcia 2019 Vinho Tinto Port 750ml

    This wine is a real original. If an alarm bell is ringing in your head, then that is probably a good intuition, because authentic, regional wines not made for foreign tastes often times are not for everyone. However, if you are curious about why 50% of vinho verde production is…

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  • Casals Mediterranean Rojo Vermouth 750ml

    The Torres Distillery presents Casals Mediterranean Vermouth, crafted with ancestral grapes and over 20 local botanicals; orange peel, tangerine peel, cinnamon and olive leaves. As part of a Manhattan or on the rocks with a twist of orange, this vermouth is the one!

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  • Casamigos Anejo Tequila 750ml

    George Clooney and Rande Gerber have turned out to be quite the tequila makers. Crafted using agave from the Jalisco Highlands, this Añejo has refined highly nuanced flavors, and as the founders put it “won't burn going down,” or “give you a hangover” in the morning.

    In stock (21)

  • Casamigos Blanco Jalepeno Tequila 750ml

    Crisp and clear, with subtle hints of vanilla and a smooth finish. It has been distilled in copper-lined stills, then filtered, and aged two months in stainless steel containers. Great served neat or on the rocks, and perfect base for premium cocktails.

    In stock (17)

  • Casamigos Blanco Tequila 1.75L

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* Casamigos Blanco Tequila is beautifully pure and complex. Perfect balance of the sweetness from the Blue Weber agaves, with subtle hints of vanilla and grapefruit, with a lingering smooth finish.

    In stock (69)
