
5559 products
  • Caymus Special Selection 2019 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Each year, they set aside the best barrels of their Cabernet Sauvignon from Napa Valley to produce Special Selection. Distinguished by extremely fine, velvety tannins and enjoyable upon release or with aging. A wine of structure with intense concentration of supple flavors and dark fruits. The 2018 Caymus Special Selection…

    In stock (12)

  • Caymus-Suisun 2022 The Walking Fool 750ml

    A silky scarlet red with luminous highlights, this wine opens with a lean earthiness—the scent of rustic wood mixes with sweet spice, a whiff of cigar box, dusty pavement and old leather, infused with garden ripe strawberries and cherries. The palate is smooth and lively, featuring flavors of juicy raspberry,…

    In stock (24)

  • Cazadores Anejo Tequila 750ml

    Cazadores Anejo Tequila - The authentic, smooth, 100% Blue Agave flavor comes from at least one year of aging in new, small, American white oak barrels. Best enjoyed as a sipping tequila.

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  • Cazadores Blanco Tequila 1L

    Cazadores Tequila Blanco, presented in a 1-liter offering, is a pure expression of agave craftsmanship. Distilled from 100% blue agave, this spirit hails from the highlands of Jalisco—a region renowned for its rich red clay soil and temperate climate, which are ideal for cultivating the sweetest and most robust agaves.…

    In stock (34)

  • Cazadores Blanco Tequila 750ml

    Tequila Cazadores Blanco is 100% Blue Agave and is a smoot, easy-going Tequila. It tastes as clean as it looks, and plays well with others. The slightly sweet taste and soft finish make it highly versatile and perfect for mixing in cocktails. Tequila Cazadores, Spanish for "hunters", symbolizes Señor Jose…

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  • Cazadores Cafe Coffee Liqueur 750ml

    Deep and rich with a subtle sweetness, this coffee liqueur with vanilla and chocolate notes is created from a finely balanced blend of award winning 100% Agave Cazadores Blanco tequila, richly roasted coffee and agave nectar. Share in the flavorful depth of Cazadores Café with your friends as a sipping…

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  • Cazadores Margarita RTD 1.75L

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* Wherever you go, the fiesta follows. Made with award-winning Tequila Cazadores Blanco and real ingredients, our Margarita is the most refreshing addition to any occasion.

    In stock (13)

  • Cazadores Reposado Tequila 1L

    A common tequila where 100% agave quality is desired but money is tight, Cazadores is a solid choice among budget tequilas, though it’s hardly anything out of the ordinary. Cazadores Reposado is a pungent tequila, with intense agave notes. The two months of aging (in new oak barrels) give it…

    In stock (45)

  • Cazadores Reposado Tequila 750ml

    A common tequila where 100% agave quality is desired but money is tight, Cazadores is a solid choice among budget tequilas, though it’s hardly anything out of the ordinary. Cazadores Reposado is a pungent tequila, with intense agave notes. The two months of aging (in new oak barrels) give it…

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  • Cedar + Salmon Horse Heaven Hills 2017 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Tasting Notes Sourced from the hilly terrain of Washington, our Horse Heaven Hills Cabernet Sauvignon is dark ruby in color and spice driven in aroma with notes of cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla. A soft entry onto the palate leads to rich black cherry, black currant and dark chocolate flavors. FOOD…

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  • Cedar + Salmon 2017 Walla Walla Valley Red Blend 750ml

    Sourced from the southeast corner of Washington State, our Walla Walla Red Blend is full-bodied with an opulent color combination of dark purple and indigo blue. The nose swirls with scents of crushed violets, wild berries, allspice and hazelnuts. A rich palate boasts flavors of briary blackberry, dark cherry and…

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  • Cederberg 2017 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    The nature of the high elevation vineyards allows a longer ripening period which gives rise to fully developed fruit. A combo of red and darker red fruit, cassis and plum along with a slight suggestion of mint, a hint of tobacco leaf and graphite define the 2016 Cederberg Cabernet Sauvignon’s…

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  • Cederberg 2020 Chenin Blanc 750ml

    Twelve selected barrels were used to produce 1000 cases. Delicate aromas of honey, lime zest, roasted nuts and peaches laced with sweet vanilla undertones. Well-integrated wood and ageing on the lees developed a full, rich palate with a smooth lingering finish. This Chenin Blanc is concentrated and structured for longevity.…

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  • Cederberg Bukettraube 2022 White 750ml

    A rare, aromatic wine showing loads of floral honey and dried apricot notes. Semi-sweet on the palate showing balance and finesse. Perfect for spicy foods. Bukettraube is a cross of Silvaner and Schiava Grossa! Cederberg Description A rare cultivar with 77 hectares left in the world. Cederberg Bukettraube is an…

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  • Cenote Blanco Tequila 750ml

    Brilliant in color, this lively Cenote™ Blanco tequila is packed with bright citrus and pepper on the nose. Continuous flavor of rich, cooked agave, spices, subtle wood, and green vegetables, are a result of mellowing the spirt in American Oak barrels for three weeks.

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