
5451 products
  • Chloe 2023 Pinot Grigio 750ml

    Hailing from the cool Northern Italian Valdadige D.O.C., Chloe Pinot Grigio is a classic expression of this timeless varietal. Alluring aromatics lead into an intense expression of the Pinot Grigio grape with a generously structured mouth feel. On the palate, this Pinot Grigio displays flavors of juicy white peach, soft…

    In stock (16)

  • Chopin Potato Vodka 1.75L

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* Chopin Potato Vodka is naturally gluten-free and the world's most awarded potato vodka. It's uniquely creamy and full=bodied flavor profile makes it a great standalone vodka, ideal for sipping neat or in martinis and cocktails.

    In stock (5)

  • Chopin Rye Vodka 750ml

    Chopin Rye Vodka is precisely composed to showcase the complex, spicy warmth of Polish rye. This is a particularly expressive vodka with a peppery liveliness that counters the idea that vodka should be ‘smooth’.

    In stock (1)

  • Chopin Vodka 750ml

    Chopin Vodka, imported from Poland, is crafted from 100% hand cultivated Stobrawa potatoes. It is four times distilled to create full flavored, smooth and clean vodka. For those who can not have gluten in their diets, this vodka is for you! Do not miss this incredible potato vodka!

    In stock (4)

  • Chopin Wheat Vodka 750ml

    Our lightest, most delicate vodka, featuring a subtle sweetness. Its lightness makes it ideal for summer sipping as well as the perfect partner for fruit-based cocktails and refreshing spritzes.

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  • Christian Brothers Frost White Brandy 750ml

    Dry and medium bodied with a balmy aged bouquet suggestive of orange blossoms. Toffee and nut flavors, with hints of persimmon. Crafted with a cultured flore sherry blend and aged in the finest American Oak. Since 1882, The Christian Brothers Brandy has earned a reputation as one of the most…

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  • Christian Brothers Holiday Nog 750ml

    Christian Brothers Holiday Nog is a delectable addition to the highly acclaimed Christian Brothers Brandy line, renowned for its commitment to quality and flavor. This seasonal offering takes the beloved holiday classic, eggnog, and elevates it to a whole new level of indulgence. What sets Christian Brothers Holiday Nog apart…

    In stock (9)

  • Christian Brothers Honey Liqueur 750ml

    Smooth Christian Brothers Brandy blended with rich honey to create this delicious liqueur! Distinctive grape, vanilla and caramel flavors from the Brandy, infused with pure honey and an added hint of orange peel to make for a perfect combination.

    In stock (9)

  • Christian Brothers VS Brandy 1.75L

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* This process, similar to that of fine Cognacs, creates a rich flavor and full body, enhanced by slow aging in hand-selected Bourbon barrels for a minimum of two years. During aging, the oak barrels imbue the Brandy with layers of well-balanced…

    In stock (13)

  • Christian Brothers VS Brandy 200ml

    A religious order called the Christian Brothers began to distill brandy in 1882. Wine is still made and is distilled in the San Joaquin Valley which contribute a part in their brandies. European brandy is also blended to create this product which is bottled in California. The VS is aged…

    In stock (16)

  • Christian Brothers VS Brandy 375ml

    A religious order called the Christian Brothers began to distill brandy in 1882. Wine is still made and is distilled in the San Joaquin Valley which contribute a part in their brandies. European brandy is also blended to create this product which is bottled in California. The VS is aged…

    In stock (2)

  • Christian Brothers VS Brandy 750ml

    The Christian Brothers Brandy is made from the finest grape varietals and incorporates the same time-honored copper pot still production method perfected over 75 years ago. This process, similar to that of fine Cognacs, creates a rich flavor and full body, enhanced by slow aging in hand-selected Bourbon barrels for…

    In stock (23)

  • Chronology 2020 Red 750ml

    TASTING NOTES The 2017 Chronology Red Wine is dark plum in your glass. The Rhone and Bordeaux varietals blend together in a rich, aromatic style. You are greeted with notes of dried plum, dark chocolate, dark red and purple berries with a hint of dustiness on the nose. From the…

    In stock (23)

  • Chuckle Rum 750ml

    With real fruit flavors of Strawberry, Lime, Melon, Apple and Peach lovingly blended with fine Venezuelan Rum. Chuckle is a high-proof, highly flavored rum that tastes great as a shot or can be mixed with almost anything.

    In stock (586)

  • Cibreo 2015 Organic Toscano Rosso 750ml

    Country: Italy Region: Tuscany Appellation: IGT Varietal: Sangiovese

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