
166 products
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  • Louis Latour Grand Ardeche 2022 Chardonnay 750ml

    Maison Louis Latour is one of the most innovative producers in Burgundy whilst maintaining its traditional image. In 1979, with a view to expanding the business the valley of the Ardèche river with its clay and limestone-based soils was chosen as the ideal location to produce top-quality Chardonnay wines. The…

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  • Louis Latour Montagny 1er Cru La Grande Roche 2019 Chardonnay 750ml

    The Montagny 1er Cru "La Grande Roche" reveals delicious floral aromas of honeysuckle. Full in the mouth with notes of almond, apricot and pepper, the finish is fresh with a hint of mint.

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  • Macrostie 2020 Sonoma Coast Chardonnay 750ml

    The grapes for this Chardonnay came from several exceptional Sonoma Coast vineyards. Rich, textural, and beautifully complex on the palate, its bright citrus flavors and cool-climate energy showcase the poise and purity of great Sonoma Coast Chardonnay. An excellent choice for a special occasion, or a way to make every…

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  • Macrostie 2022 Sonoma Coast Chardonnay 750ml

    With a medium golden color and alluring layers of persimmon, ripe Meyer lemon and rich brioche this is an elegant and alluring wine. Lush, textural and beautifully complex on the palate, its bright citrus flavors and cool-climate energy showcase the poise and purity of great Sonoma Coast Chardonnay.

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  • Meiomi 2021 Chardonnay 750ml

    Meiomi Chardonnay embodies the character of California's most notable coastal wine regions. Unifying the unique characters from each region allows this Chardonnay to distinguish itself as an elegant, balanced Chardonnay fully formed.

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    Meiomi 2022 Chardonnay 750ml

    Meiomi Chardonnay White Wine is an elegant California wine with smooth layers of tropical fruit, citrus, and apple. This aged white wine pairs well with cheese, roasted chicken, fresh crab, and pasta.

    In stock (36)

  • Menage A Trois 2020 Red Table 750ml

    Our Ménage à Trois Red wine exposes the fresh, ripe, jam like fruit that is the calling card of California wine. Add pink to your cheeks with bold blackberry and ripe raspberry flavors and firm tannins.

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  • Mer Soleil 2019 Silver Chardonnay 750ml

    The ceramic bottle is inspired by the cement vessels that are used during the fermentation process of this Chardonnay. This wine sees no wood, helping to maintain the bright fruit characters and minerality produced from the grapes in the Mer Soleil Vineyard.

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  • Mer Soleil Reserve Monterey 2022 Chardonnay 750ml

    A gorgeous, luxurious Californian Chardonnay with aromas of butterscotch, toffee, golden apple and peach. Full-bodied with a long finish. I first had this wine at the California Grill restaurant at Disney, and it is as magical now as that memory is to me. Pair with grilled or roasted chicken, smoked…

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  • Michael David 2019 Chardonnay 750ml

    Handcrafted from our family’s vineyards, our Chardonnay is a fusion of style. From numerous hand pickings throughout the ripening period, our winemakers produce three distinct Chardonnays that are later blended into a final wine just prior to bottling.  From a crisp, fruit driven style fermented and aged in stainless steel,…

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  • Mouton Noir Oregogne 2014 Chardonnay 750ml

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  • Nickel and Nickel 2022 Truchard Vineyard Napa Valley Chardonnay 750ml

    This golden-hued vintage strikes the most beautiful balance between freshness and tropical lushness. Aromas of lemon peel and melon captivate the nose, while silky pear, peach blossom and melon flavors cascade across a palate that is at once creamy and lifted. The finish is lively and bright, with juicy acidity,…

    In stock (9)

  • Nielson Santa Barbara County 2019 Chardonnay 750ml

    The 2019 has aromas of citrus flower, clean linen, and a burst of pineapple. The wine has a pleasant weight on the palate with honey and citrus notes and a light salinity.  This wine comes from two growing regions within Santa Barbara County, both of which are influenced by unique…

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  • Oyster Bay Marlborough 2021 Chardonnay 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Oyster Bay Marlborough Chardonnay is cool climate at its best; fresh and vibrant with aromas of white peach, crisp citrus, a touch of oak and an elegant, creamy texture.

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  • Pams Unoaked 2020 Chardonnay 750ml

    Winemaker Notes This lovely Un•Oaked Chardonnay is perfect for all gatherings. Its refreshingly fruity and light-bodied, with a beautifully transparent, pale yellow color. It has showy fruit aromas of Asian pear and Golden Delicious apple; and, ripe citrus, like key lime and tangerine. With a touch of sweet, this wine…

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