
5451 products
  • Ciroc Sunset Citrus Vodka Spritz 4pk

    Sunset Citrus offers bright orange notes with a touch of stone fruit and a zesty finish.

    In stock (11)

  • Ciroc Vodka 200ml

    One of the world’s only vodkas created entirely from grapes, Ciroc Ultra-Premium is simply unique. The name is derived from the combination of two French words, “Cime” meaning peak or summit-top and "roche" meaning rock. True to its roots, Ciroc Mauzac Blanc grapes stem from the high-altitude vineyards in Gaillac,…

    In stock (8)

  • Ciroc Vodka 1.75L

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* CÎROC™ Ultra-Premium Vodka is distilled from fine French grapes for an exquisitely smooth, fresh vodka experience. The essence of CÎROC™ Ultra- Premium Vodka comes from fine French grapes, which are distilled a fifth time at the historic Distillerie de Chevanceaux in…

    In stock (13)

  • Ciroc Vodka 375ml

    One of the world’s only vodkas created entirely from grapes, Ciroc Ultra-Premium is simply unique. The name is derived from the combination of two French words, “Cime” meaning peak or summit-top and "roche" meaning rock. True to its roots, Ciroc Mauzac Blanc grapes stem from the high-altitude vineyards in Gaillac,…

    In stock (9)

  • Ciroc Vodka 50ml

    One of the world’s only vodkas created entirely from grapes, Ciroc Ultra-Premium is simply unique. The name is derived from the combination of two French words, “Cime” meaning peak or summit-top and "roche" meaning rock. True to its roots, Ciroc Mauzac Blanc grapes stem from the high-altitude vineyards in Gaillac,…

    In stock (8)

  • Ciroc Vodka 750ml

    One of the world’s only vodkas created entirely from grapes, Ciroc Ultra-Premium is simply unique. The name is derived from the combination of two French words, “Cime” meaning peak or summit-top and "roche" meaning rock. True to its roots, Ciroc Mauzac Blanc grapes stem from the high-altitude vineyards in Gaillac,…

    In stock (51)

  • Ciroc VS Brandy 375ml

    Introducing CÎROC VS Brandy – a dedication to distinction - our brandy is crafted with passion, process, and patience for incomparable smoothness and flavor that’s only equal is the individuals who celebrate their moment with a glass in hand.

    In stock (13)

  • Ciroc VS Brandy 750ml

    From the makers: Introducing CÎROC VS Brandy – a dedication to distinction - our brandy is crafted with passion, process, and patience for incomparable smoothness and flavor that’s only equal is the individuals who celebrate their moment with a glass in hand.

    In stock (14)

  • Ciroc Watermelon Kiwi Vodka Spritz 4pk

    Watermelon Kiwi offers a ripe melon flavor, a subtle hint of green kiwi and a crisp, refreshing finish.

    In stock (5)

  • Ciroc White Grape Vodka 750ml

    Ciroc White Grape is a rich tasting spirit made with Vodka distilled five times from French grapes, finished in a tailor-made copper pot still in Southern France. The Vodka is masterfully infused with a distinctive blend of white grape and other natural flavors, resulting in a taste experience that is…

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  • Citronge Extra Fine Orange Liqueur 750ml

    Citrónge Orange Liqueur is a premium reserve, extra fine orange liqueur that delivers a sweet and smooth, fresh orange taste. Use Citrónge Orange Liqueur in cocktails to add fresh and sweet orange flavor with a long-lasting orange finish. It can also be used to enhance gourmet recipes and desserts.

    In stock (13)

  • Clan Macgregor Blended Scotch Whisky 1.75L

    A light, fragrant whisky with a well-balanced, smooth, mellow, taste. Hints of fruitiness and Speyside malts.

    In stock (40)

  • Clase Azul Durango Mezcal 750ml

    Character, distinction, and beauty in one piece. Clase Azul Mezcal Durango is made from Cenizo Agave, an agave varietal that grows wild in the state of Durango in Northern Mexico. The combination of mineral-rich soil and water from natural springs give it a distinctive and smoky character with complex flavor…

    In stock (1)

  • Clase Azul Gold Limited Edition Tequila 750ml

    Before dusk, there is a delightful moment when darkness embraces the light. This precious moment inspired this combination of spirits, pouring into a shimmering glass decanter fused to a night-colored ceramic base.  Clase Azul Tequila Gold is an incomparable tequila joven, a blend that combines Clase Azul Tequila Plata with…

    In stock (2)

  • Clase Azul Guerrero Mezcal 750ml

    Clase Azul Mezcal Guerrero reveals one of Mexico's best-kept secrets: the wondrous state of Guerrero, a little-explored region that shows us yet another facet of Mexican culture. This member of the Clase Azul family was inspired by the singularity of Guerrero’s landscapes, gastronomy, art, and heritage –– but also by…

    In stock (2)
