
5451 products
  • Cointreau Noir Liqueur 700ml

    Cointreau Noir is a blend of Cointreau orange liqueur and Rémy Martin cognac. The freshness of Cointreau’s orange flavor with the velvety smooth caress of cognac make it a great alternative to premium dark spirits. Sophisticated aromas such as a notes of spice, vanilla, honey, nuts, almonds and gingerbread, give…

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  • Cointreau Noir Liqueur 750ml

    Cointreau Noir is a blend of Cointreau orange liqueur and Rémy Martin cognac. The freshness of Cointreau’s orange flavor with the velvety smooth caress of cognac make it a great alternative to premium dark spirits. Sophisticated aromas such as a notes of spice, vanilla, honey, nuts, almonds and gingerbread, give…

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    Cointreau Orange Liqueur 1L

    Cointreau, the crystal clear Orange Liqueur, founded in Angers, France, remains one of the world's most distinguished spirits with over 160 years of history. Renowned for its perfect balance of 100% all natural sweet and bitter orange peels, Cointreau has a uniquely refreshing and complex taste. A versatile, 80 proof…

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  • Cointreau Orange Liqueur 750ml

    Cointreau, the crystal clear Orange Liqueur, founded in Angers, France, remains one of the world's most distinguished spirits with over 160 years of history. Renowned for its perfect balance of 100% all natural sweet and bitter orange peels, Cointreau has a uniquely refreshing and complex taste. A versatile, 80 proof…

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  • Collective Arts Hazy State IPA 4pk

    This hugely flavourful, yet extremely sessionable Double Dry-Hopped IPA is made with 16 grams per litre of Amarillo, Citra, Mosaic and Centennial hops. Citrus and Tropical fruit notes dominate, but is also balanced with a smooth body that makes this one super easy drinking IPA.

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  • Collective Arts Life in the Clouds NEIPA 4pk

    Simcoe and Mosaic hops balance each other to make this juicy IPA explosively fruit forward in both taste and aroma while curbing any unbearable sweetness to make an extremely drinkable beer.

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  • Collefrisio 2022 Rose 750ml

    Filarè is the line of classic Collefrisio wines, a range of four wines from the typical Abruzzo to international variety of grapes. Cherry pink color. The bouquet has floral hints, fresh fruit, cherry and black cherry. Good structure and balance, fresh, persistent, fragrant. The fruity palate is well integrated with…

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  • Collefrisio 2023 Rose 750ml

    Filarè is the line of classic Collefrisio wines, a range of four wines from the typical Abruzzo to international variety of grapes. Cherry pink color. The bouquet has floral hints, fresh fruit, cherry and black cherry. Good structure and balance, fresh, persistent, fragrant. The fruity palate is well integrated with…

    In stock (17)

  • Collefrisio Appassimento Vino Rosso 2021 Red Blend 750ml

    The successful winemakers of Collefrisio in Abruzzo also offer a nice appassimento. The 60% Montepulciano and 20% Merlot grapes dry on the vine and are only harvested in the second half of October. The 'normally' harvested sangiovese adds freshness to the wine and provides a nice balance with the concentrated,…

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  • Collefrisio Sottosopra Red 750ml

    Wine with sour cherry is a traditional product of the Abruzzo region, called Ratafia. There are different versions, including fortified ones. This one is made exclusively with Montepulciano d'Abruzzo with some sour cherry syrup. Intense notes of red fruits and cocoa. Elegant, soft and fresh. Served chilled. The preparation and…

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  • Colome 2020 Autentico Malbec 750ml

    Colomé “Auténtico” is a tribute to our pioneers who planted the vineyards and opened the winery in 1831. Since then, the vineyards at Bodega Colomé have been grown with sustainable farming practices to achieve the “authentic” expression of the terroir. Higher altitudes offer more sun, less UV protection and produce…

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  • Colome 2022 Autentico Malbec 750ml

    Colomé “Auténtico” is a tribute to our pioneers who planted the vineyards and opened the winery in 1831. Since then, the vineyards at Bodega Colomé have been grown with sustainable farming practices to achieve the “authentic” expression of the terroir. Higher altitudes offer more sun, less UV protection and produce…

    In stock (23)

  • Columbia Crest 2021 Grand Estates Chardonnay 750ml

    This hedonistic treat is a well-executed take on the buttery-creamy style of Chardonnay. The wine features coconut and warm apple-pie aromas, with a splash of rose water on the nose. Flavors such as lemon butter, spicy cinnamon and caramel apple fill every nook and cranny of the olfactory system.

    In stock (245)

  • Columbia Crest H3 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Dark fruit dominates this Cabernet with notes of black cherry, and blackberry. There is a touch of dark chocolate and currant with a hint of minerality added by the concrete ageing. The wine finishes with plush tannins and a cocoa.

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  • Combier Orange Liqueur 750ml

    An Iconic orange liqueur invented in 1834 by founder Jean-Baptiste Combier who created the distillery around its success. Believed by many to be the world's first triple sec, it has been produced in the same 19th century copper stills in Saumar ever since with unique craftsmanship. Boasting a nose of…

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